MZK!M has always been a believer in making a statement, and has overcome any obstacles that have been in her path.
MZK!M has succeeded in giving back to her community by launching two successful companies. Faith Family Services, Inc – a home healthcare agency which assists individuals with disabilities by caring for them in their home instead of a facility. Harmony Social Services – a foster child agency set up to place abused, and neglected children into the hearts, and homes of people willing to love and nurture them.
MZK!M has been an active member in her community by being a participant at city council meetings.
MZK!M has created the Talitha Cumi Fund in order to assist families affected by violence by aiding with funeral expenses
MZK!M has created a scholarship program, Margie’s Legacy, which raises funds for foster girls with college aspirations.
MZK!M’s tireless efforts as a champion of human rights, and active member of her community led her to receiving the National Black Administrator Award in Washington D.C. in appreciation of her commitment to making the world around her a better place.
MZK!M PRODUCT!ONS is a film production company that is currently producing a movie in Hollywood, and has hopes of producing in New York. These movies are designed to be life changing experiences for the viewers. Many of the films produced by MZK!M PRODUCT!ONS are based upon real life events.