PopWrapped consistently delivers the highest quality Pop-Culture and entertainment news with in-depth coverage and features from around the globe. Every day we deliver to you, on average, 20-40 stories and features, specifically catered to the fandoms and celebrities that YOU care about. Since 2009, the PopWrapped team has delivered over 56,500 stories to our loyal readers; currently over two-million of you a month! Our staff of over 200 come from a variety of backgrounds, including music, film, television, radio and Fortune 500 companies. PopWrapped staffers have even won major awards including Emmy Awards for Journalistic excellence!
With over 2.3 MILLION Twitter Followers, ONE-HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND Facebook Fans, Seventy-Three Thousand Tsu Followers, SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND Instagram Followers, and ONE-HUNDRED MILLION Downloads and Plays on SoundCloud, PopWrapped has served up more than FOURTY-FIVE BILLION Social Media Impressions since 2009!