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By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

After getting this question far more than I imagine I would if I weren’t female, I’ve decided to answer. Why am I such a futbol fanatic?
Simple, my Baba. Futbol is the one thing my father and I alone share. The two of us would watch games together while my sister was off somewhere and my mom was busy making coffee or whatever. Honestly, I didn’t love it at first, but after a while I started to look forward to those moments, and soon came to love them! I mean, watching my father react to close goals would have me in stitches. He couldn’t understand my laughter (he thought I was foolish) but it was in those instances that I grew even more in love with him (if that’s possible). They were our moments. It wasn’t long before I was sitting alongside him yelling and cheering!
Over the years I’ve had an appreciation for the game that is all my own. With the World Cup right around the corner my excitement is peeking! I mean, nothing else on the planet unifies countries quite like the World Cup. The respect that fans have for the players, players for the fans and players for the players is not matched with any other sport. During some matches, teams will even swap jerseys as a show of respect for one another and to own a piece of history. 32 world teams qualify to see who the best team is in the WORLD?! Crazy! The Olympics have similar traits, sure, but there’s just something about futbol and its fans that you won’t see anywhere else. Not even the Olympics.
That being said, I absolutely couldn’t enjoy this year’s World Cup without my father, so I am happily heading back home to enjoy the Cup with my father. Our next goal is to actually GO to the World Cup but for now, a trip home will suffice.
Even though I am an “adult” now, I’m still daddy’s proud little girl. To this day my first, and only, phone call before a game is to my father. I am my father’s daughter.
Plus I’m African, what are you going to do? 😉

Dedicated to my father Elashe Awate!

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

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Xo, B