Over the weekend, Grandma turned 95 years old. To give you the back story on her independence to date, know that she still lives in the same house which her three children were born in the 40’s, still drives, still does all her own cooking, cleaning, and laundry, and took care of Grandpa on her own up until his passing 2 years ago. Saying she is a remarkably strong woman is an understatement. She maneuvers around like a shiny, senior Corvette and proves it’s possible to “keep calm and carry on”. When asked her recipe for happiness, health, and staying so young at heart, she tells her grandchildren it’s all about keeping things simple, not to spend time worrying about things we can’t control, and commit to conversations with the younger generations to keep you on your toes.
With QVC being her one stop shop for a laptop, flat screen television, touch screen smart phone, roses, and clothes, there is something to say about she surfing through the signs of time. Adaptability is key to so many things. It’s such a simple splash to save one’s sanity as the years progress, where the concept of change isn’t feared but rather embraced like the kind stuck in one’s car seats. I try to keep Grandma’s motto in check in the age of everything trying to catch up to the speed of light, technology finding a way to link up all our accounts, electronics, etc, when work often bulldozes over the nuances, and the continuous societal struggle to remember that LESS IS MORE. It would be selfish not to spill her secrets and share the random act of kindness she experienced on her oh so special day.
Grandma’s children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren staged a surprise party for her at nearby hotel, where some of our family stay when in from out-of-town. Across the hall from our relatives in room #314, an unknown family, two adults and 3 children, were staying while their home was being finished by local builders. They saw a poster on room #315’s door announcing grandma’s 95th birthday. They took it upon themselves to knock on the door when they heard the livelihood of the party begin….noisy chatter, the singing of Happy Birthday, balloons popping, champagne popping, glasses clinking, and little children blowing whistles. The family presented grandmother with a gorgeous bouquet of a dozen ruby-red roses, wishing her many more years of good health and joy. The entire birthday party, including my grandma, could not believe this selfless act of extreme kindness by such a caring family. The three kids of the family across the hall were given a huge example by their parents of the joy and value of “giving to others.”
Bottom line, this was a reminder there is still GOOD in a world that often feels out of sync. When random acts of kindness like this strike, it is proof that the world has the ability to lead with its heart. A family who didn’t know our family or grandmother from Adam, wanted to share in the celebration for a life of 95 years and counting. These are the things that people remember for the rest of their lives. The little things truly are the big things that travel in an infinite way. Kindness does count and it’s up to we the people of this planet to give back through the art of “just because”. As Buddha once said, “Teach this triple truth to all: A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity. This event was of truth, teaching, and celebration all wrapped into one giant package. Happy 95th birthday, Grandma….
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