
Sundance | Jadeumbrella.com

Sundancing BTS

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

When you work in an industry like Hollywood, it’s certainly easy to lose sight of how #lucky you are. Being swept up in a fast paced world full of chaos, your feelings can veer towards anxiety/stress rather than sheer bliss. ‘Cause let’s face it, I’m damn lucky! But sometimes I need reminding….We’re two weeks away from Sundance, and as it approaches, I had to sit back for a minute and appreciate what it all means. I am going to be at indie film mecca (for me anyway). The films that premiere at Sundance Film Festival are some of the best films to come out for the year. For a week, I get to be surrounded by #cinema #creatives. Holy shit! While it’s primo for networking, it’s also f*cking fantastic that I’ll be able to soak up all the #magic, as it happens! Don’t get me wrong, I work hard AF, and the labor is tiring, but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I am one lucky mother–shut your mouth! I’m talking ’bout Sundance. I can dig it.

Update 1/28: Had the pleasure of hearing Nate Parker talk about the arts and he had this to say: “This is what leadership in the arts looks like.”


*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

First Timer at SXSW

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

SXSW has been around since 1987 and yet I’d never really heard of it, let alone dreamt of ever going. But if my life has taught me anything in the past 4 months, it’s to expect the unexpected! In a New Year filled with events from Sundance to All-Star Weekend, SXSW shouldn’t have caught me off guard, but it had. I’d no idea how vast it was. So as we departed for Austin, thoughts of being in the south and what awaited us swirled in my head. I’m one who shouldn’t be left alone in her thinking too much; I have a tendency to imagine the most bizarre scenarios, especially in unknown territory.
Fortunately for me, everything I thought was wrong. Austin is an amazing city. On the verge of being one of the hippest cities in the U.S. it’s very reminiscent of an early New York City. People of all walks of life living and working together in harmony; surrounded by rural suburbs on one side & Lake Houses on the other, the industrious downtown was filled with boutiques, music shops, restaurants (serving the best in fusion dishes), and of course, the birthplace to the hottest festival.
Each day we experienced one more reason Austin was such a great city. On one of our last nights in Austin we met, Earl. Earl was a native New Yorker who decided to move to Austin in 2012 with his business partner. When I asked him why the move, he explained to me how Austin was the number one city, per capita, where start up business are successful. When he and his partner heard this, they moved to New York and haven’t looked back since. He went on to explain that besides the positive effect on business he’s received, he’s just become the latest victim to fall hopelessly in love with Austin.
As for the festival itself?! Oh man, for a week people went without sleep to catch the hottest acts today! What was once considered an indie festival has now turned into one of the biggest mainstream festivals. Kanye and Jay-Z sharing the stage for a free concert! Janelle Monae! Lady Gaga even had a fan throw up on her, which is……a topic for another blog….the point is A-listers came to Austin and turned it up!
We left exhausted, stimulated, and excited for what SXSW will bring next year! This first timer was left wanting more.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Madiba Still on my mind….

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Infomation, Uncategorized | No Comments

“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” –Nelson Mandela
As we start off a New Year, many of us will reflect on this past year and the mistakes, blessings, trials, tribulations, and mercy we found. Unfortunately, December was a month of tribulations for me. In a month where the world celebrates the birth of Christ, I found myself mourning His sons. By Christmas day I found the wounds just starting to heal. I sought refuge and found it in the most beautiful place; in the words of Mr. Nelson Mandela.

Mandela was a giant among men. He fought for the equality of all. A look back at his life, one can see that Mandela was who he was because of the amount of courage and faith he had. He knew the journey he was going to embark on would most likely end with his imprisonment or death, but he didn’t let that stop him. He chose to accept his fate and battle the struggles facing his people head on; prepared for death.

I started to dissect who Mandela was. A person of flesh and blood as I am, Mandela possessed no extraordinary powers, just a belief in a free world. That belief was enough to send him on a full blown life campaign to ensure that he, his children, and his fellow countrymen, live as they were born; free.

I now find myself seeking to find my belief. To be the change I want to see in this ever evolving world. Although I can only hope to accomplish a tenth of what Mr. Mandela accomplished, I have set a New Year’s mission. To be vocal. To fight for the causes that matter the most to me. I only pray I do it with the same style and unselfish grace as Madiba. One can hope no?

In a world where Superhero’s have become a staple, I find that they do in fact exist, just not as we’ve always envisioned them. They are men and women who walk among us in broad daylight sheathed with nothing more than courage and a belief.

Our recent trip to Sundance gave us the extreme honor and pleasure of meeting Madiba’s grandson Kweku Mandela. He is truly his Grandfather’s spirit, so humble and very much about the fight for humanity and equality. A highlight in my life and a great joy considering I will never be able to personally meet Madiba.

Mandela was released from prison at the age of 72. Let his life be testament that one should never give up on what matters, and that you can make a difference at any age. He is the epitome of a superhero.

“Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I believe I have made that effort and that is, therefore, why I will sleep for the eternity.” –Nelson Mandela. I can confidently say Madiba’s beautiful soul has found absolute peace.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B