

You Can’t Avoid Destiny

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

In 4th grade, I started to play the violin.


In 7th, I discovered you can create a ♪whole new world♪ (Aladdin reference) through writing and thus my love for it was born.


And acting? I’ve wanted to do that since the day my family and I turned on the TV & heard the intro to the sitcom that changed my life forever. Black and white, the heart takes formation and the lyrics begin,♪Da da da da da da da da………♪ Her name spells out in cursive: Lucille Ball.i-love-lucy-logo

And my “living room productions” began. I’ve had my hand in the arts my whole life, and though I don’t excel in any particular field, the arts are my one true love. A personal fear I’ve had, is that I would waste my life trying to pursue an industry filled with so many like driven folks. I’d question whether or not it was worth it? If I could succeed? The anxiety would get worse the older I got……but then I realized that entertaining is the only thing that makes me happy. It’s not about if I’m great at it, it’s how it makes me feel. And what better way to improve in something, then by doing it constantly. ‘Tis my destiny. I’ve accepted it. Revel in it. And now, must focus on it. Because of my revelation, I have looked into many different outlets I can use at my disposal to use the gifts I have. After much research and debate I’ve finally settle on vlogging! I’ve chosen my niche, how I want it shot, and have a rough outline to refer to when shooting each episode! The amount of of excitement surging through my body is electric!!

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

From the time I could remember, I have always loved magic. Growing up a Disney kid, I was swept away with the idea of castles, princes, princesses, curses, villains (who I always seemed to have an affinity for), duels, fairies, and EVERYTHING else I haven’t mentioned.
I’d dream of being part of a mystical world where the fight for good and evil was apparent yet much simpler than the reality we live in today. And where good always, ALWAYS triumphs.
Lately, my dreams are more realistic as the ABC show “Once Upon A Time” embodies everything I’ve listed in a world I am dying to one day join, but enjoy in my dreams……for now.
Unfortunately, the world we live in doesn’t allow for such thinking. We’re told, as we get older, that magic doesn’t exist and we’re supposed to “grow up”. To which I gladly throw up my middle finger. My inner Peter Pan wouldn’t allow it anyway.
I don’t question whether or not I’m right anymore, I just accept it as who I am: that I do in fact, believe in magic.
As an artist, be it actor, writer, director etc. an imagination is our most powerful tool and source for coming up with ideas to put to the screen. The bigger the imagination the more inventive the idea. It was when I decided that film was my life that I knew that remaining child like would be an asset. I’ll take it!
Moral of this blog is don’t listen to others. Who on earth is going to know more about what you need than yourself.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Eritrea: A culture not defined by its food, but certainly enhanced by it.

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Food is an essential part of any culture. I remember waking up some mornings, to the familiar aroma of foul mudammas being made. My mouth would water as I’d drag myself out of bed and scurry (as fast as possible while still half asleep, mind you) to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As the water would clean away the previous night’s rest, I’d become more alive and my excitement for what laid in store for breakfast would heighten. I’d say a quick “morning” to the family and find my place at the table. I’d pour myself something to drink, and look at the spread presented before me. No matter what other dishes laid before me, my gaze always rested on the foul mudammas. The savory combinations of favabeans, peppers, tomatoes, onion (which I’d pay for later but didn’t care) a splash of lemon and oil, always gave me a sense of comfort.

That’s what I loved about growing up in a habesha household: sitting together and eating familiar foods that, not only brought us together, but also would place joy and comfort in our #hearts. That may seem outlandish to some but to those that can relate: *fist*

It’s because of these moments that I treated myself to a nostalgic lunch. Yum!! Eritrea: A culture not defined by its food, but certainly enhanced by it.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B