Lily’s on her way and I’m following suit. As I pack the last of my things and bid the twin cities farewell, I reflect on the last 22 months. I’ve never come to terms with the fact that I left LA in the first place (bad planning on my part). But revisiting this chapter has made me aware of a few things:
1. (I start with a cliche) Things happen for a reason. The growth and revelations I’ve had have only been made possible because of my return to MN.
2. My family has always been my core.
2a. That being said, my family goes beyond blood ties. I have the very best family a person could ask for. That we aren’t all blood related, makes the relationship that much more.
3. Having a vision is key to making changes. The execution is what unlocks the dream and creates the reality.
4. I’m returning changed. The type of change that is required for Los Angeles.
5. Creativity is powerful. Nowadays, you can literally create your profession instead of waiting on others to create it for you.
Goodbye, Minneapolis. Watch over the loved ones I’ve left in your care. LA, your prodigal daughter returns. Not to mention, Los Angeles has one kick-ass night view. *sigh* I’m home. To be continued….
*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page:https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*
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Xo, B
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