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#BrokenRelationships; Because Our Feelings Are Important!

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img_6061We didn’t plan it; it just was the day we could all get together. It just so happened to be my late grandfather’s birthday. So it was ironic for my aunt and me to take my grandmother to The Museum of Broken Relationships on a day that would indefinitely remind us all of him.  My grandmother and grandfather got divorced after 30 years of marriage. She could arguably be the patron saint of broken relationships.  It was not a mutual decision.  I am sure that they both loved each other in their own flawed way up until the day he died. We recently found letters that my grandfather sent her. She wrote in-between his declaration of love; words that reminded her of why their relationship did not work. These are now destroyed.

Every relationship that ends leaves pieces that are difficult for many to let go of and some that are downright impossible to keep while starting a new relationship (I’m talking to you; women who keep stuffed teddy bears from exes).  People flock to Burning Man to burn things in effigy but if that is not your style, the Museum of Broken Relationships may be the answer.

The Museum is located in Los Angeles on Hollywood Boulevard. Not only do they display these past trophies of sentimental value, but they take donations and display the collection anonymously. Each display holds its own story. There were collections of mixed tapes, bras, and even an engagement ring.  One display (silicone breast implants) is a good reminder to never alter one’s body for someone else. Another of old cologne bottles, a painful reminder that some relationships are broken by death and not a mutual parting. A stuffed Betty Boop doll from a same-sex co-worker who received the gift from a crush. She knew that her crush was heterosexual and an intimate relationship would never work. 20160823_155315

So, if you have been holding on to the past and do not know where to start to let go, you can donate your memories to the museum. I have not had any bad breakups. The only thing I consider is a small stuffed dragon that I took when I moved from my mother’s home. My mom and I have never been close. I took the dragon in hopes that one day we could mend and have a meaningful mother and daughter relationships that are the scripts for movies. Alas, I have found that there are so many other relationships that mean more to me because of those willing to work together. My aunts, cousins, friends and anyone who invests time in a relationship. I still have that stuffed dragon, and know I should let it go.

One of the most  powerful donations is a tiny piece of paper with the words “Pay attention to me” written on it. It was donated by an artist who’s former girlfriend slipped him the piece of paper but he was too busy to look. It took him two years to find it. In a world of #Selfies, let us strive to love more often, forgive more often, and “pay attention” to those who matter the most.20160823_153551

Click The Museum of Broken Relationships for more information.

Thank you for reading,

-La Vida Verde

Back to Basics

By | Baby Jade, Blog | No Comments

Erratically put together, is a badge I wear with honor. I accredit my new bio description to my therapy sessions. Mainly journaling. Growing up the middle child (middle child syndrome is real yall) I needed to find avenues to vent my constant frustration and faux vengeful thoughts. I did everything from eat my feelings, to playing an instrument, to drowning my thoughts in endless hours of mindless T.V. (welcome to the 90’s). Listened to angry grunge music; “Smells Like Teen Spirit” was my anthem. Finally, because I’d exhausted every other option, I started to write. What did I write? Anything. Everything. It didn’t matter so long as it stayed true to my thoughts and feelings at that moment. Honest. Raw.

After my first entry, I felt calm. Thinking it was a fluke, I didn’t write again until the next time I needed to get something off my chest. Elated once again. Thus a pattern began. I began to live for my writing sessions. But now I looked forward to writing not just about the bad but about the good, the mediocre, the boring, my crush(es), you name it!

The greatest part was that I didn’t actually understand the growth that was happening to me until many years later when I’d go back and read my entries. Writing became my therapy. It was the way I’d cope with major moments in my life. There’s something to be said about being able to write out feelings before confronting the problem.
So! As a part of my overall self-remodeling, I’m going back to basics. Picked up this beauty at Target and ready to channel my inner Bridget Jones. #shenanigrams

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page:https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Head Down. Get to work.

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

“There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.” – my man Mandela

After being back in LA for 3 weeks, this quote rings quite true. While I’m thrilled to be back (LA is home), something feels different this time around. I tried pinpointing my feelings to try and figure it out but to no avail. Man did I make excuses, though.

“Maybe I need to get acclimated again.” “Maybe get our house unpacked and in order.” “Maybe seeing my friends.”


Then, as I was hiking this weekend, (damn, I didn’t miss that ish, but boy does it feel great!) Zeus himself shot me with one of his golden thunderbolts ⚡. That shit hurt … but the message was clear: I’m not the same person I was when I left almost 2 years ago. Call it cliche. Call it growth. Call it whatever you want, just acknowledge it’s truth. Things that mattered before don’t matter this time around. Dreams are clearer and more attainable. Goals are set. Distractions are recognized and shut down immediately. In short, can’t stop, won’t stop. Failure is not an option, and being inactive is the same poison by my definition. So! It’s time to get to work. My newly adopted motto from Gina Rodriguez, “Head down. Prayers up.”

Start each week off on the right foot. Set goals. Make plans. Support others’ visions. Sky’s the limit on what we can accomplish when we try.

Happy living 💛’s.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page:https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Eritrean Woman: Blood of My Blood.

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Infomation, Jade's Top Ten, Uncategorized | No Comments

Fact: By 1990, 40% of Eritrean freedom fighters were made up of women. Making the EPLF the highest percentile of women fighters than any other liberation army worldwide. Let that marinate for a second!!

Courtesy of www.pinterest.com

When I sit back and reflect on this, so many things become clearer in my mind. I’ve always admired the grace that Eritrean women embodied. Couple that with strength, resilience, and a loving heart that’s the cherry atop this sundae. My God, this woman sounds like some sort of medieval sorceress who spends her days strategizing world peace, while cooking monster meals for her little ones before sending them off to school, which she inevitably does on the back of a unicorn. In short, she doesn’t seem real. I mean, how do these women make it all seem so effortless?? Tell me your secrets. Tell me, I say!

The beauty of all this magic is that when you’re born into this reality one doesn’t have to look far. I’m fortunate enough to be talking about the many mothers, aunties, sisters, cousins, & friends I have in my abundantly blessed life.

I mean, is it a wonder that I’m a strong-willed feminist? It’s forged in my make. It runs through my veins. The perception that a woman can do anything and everything a man can. Think about it! Eritrean women have been fighting since 1810. They not only held house and home, they fought on the field alongside their countrymen. At a time in the world where women (although the backbone) were brushed to the side without thought, their opinions dissuaded, it’s knowing the stock one comes from that can shape who we are.


Courtesy of www.pinterest.com

Sorry mama. Sorry baba. I know of all the things that make the Eritrean woman, you wish I’d veer towards the domestic but that’s a no-go. Strap me up and send this jigna (warrior) to the battlefield (uh, hypothetical battlefield because you know…. I bruise easily 😔)

Jokes aside, I  want to take this moment to thank the thousands of women who’ve paved the way for me. You’ve taught me that my abilities in life can exceed all my expectations if I just do it!

A’day Eri, in all my endeavours I carry your spirit with me. Blood of my blood. 💚❤💛💙

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page:https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Bring Your Unique LuLaStyle

By | Blog, Gallery1, Infomation, Uncategorized | No Comments

No woman wants to show up to a party wearing her dress. With LuLaRoe, It is quite a different story. Not only will you high-five anyone with the same outfit you own but you will embrace a LuLaRoe sister even if she is in your exact same dress. Let me explain….LuLaRoe is a brand of clothing that will bring out your inner stylist. The Prints are funky and some downright questionable. They make over 1,000 prints and only make a 1,000 of each style in one print. So you rarely see the same print. But when you do, you know you found another LuLaRoe sorority sister.


The beauty of this is that it really is Pokemon for adults but in clothing. You’ll want to buy em all! Once you put your legs in your first pair of leggings and feel the “Buttery Soft” fabric for the first time, you will get hooked. Not only are they comfortable but they are affordable and do not show through. These are not just simply funky leggings either. LuLaRoe has dresses, shirts, skirts, jackets, and even a line for kids, teens, and men. But this is an exclusive club and you cannot purchase these things at your local retailers. Like Pokemon go, you are going to have to use one app or another.  LuLaRoe is a multi-level marketing group for independent consultants — sort of a Tupperware of clothing.



(Pictures courtesy of LuLaRoe)


I was introduced to LuLaRoe by one of my besties. She told me I would get hooked and soon feel like a joined a cult. I felt I was stronger than that as I slipped on the flying blue pig print with a red background.  The only thing I had to match this was a denim shirt. Soon enough, I wanted to try one of the dresses. Something that was easy to wear, not too hot for the weather and not too formal. The answer to my question was the Amelia dress. It has pockets! Need I say more?


All I had to do was find a print I liked in my size and purchase it. You do this by joining LuLaroe groups and search the picture albums and comment “Sold” on the item you want. Then you have 24 hours to pay for your purchase and it is mailed to you. Sounds simple enough right? Some 80 facebook groups later and I made my purchase — A leopard print Amelia. It came and I was instantly in love with its comfortable fabric and perfect cut of the dress. Now I  am a full-fledged addict. I search for my very own “unicorn’s” (That’s LuLa speak for a print that is hard to find that you want). I have my favorite groups and styles that I search for in particular. I like the Leggings, Randy Top, Perfect Tee, Madison Skirt, and Amelia Dress. I prefer groups that have albums. But there again, the new trend is to sell via Facebook Live streaming video or Periscope as one of my Reps, Elizabeth Olson, does. And like any addict, I refuse to see a problem. LuLaRoe is easy to wear and comes in petite and plus sizes so finding the great fit is easy.


(Picture courtesy of Elizabeth Olson)


Not every print out of the 1000 plus is a winner. So, many of the independent sales consultants have discount items for sale to move their inventory. There are even albums and Pinterest boards with print fails like “LuLaNO!’ A little styling goes a long way. Soon you will be so comfortable in these leggings that you will swear that mustard is the new pink. You’ll  find a way to wear the leggings that have been discounted to $12. The best way to get started is to get social. A simple search for a LuLaRoe group on Facebook or a consultant on Instagram or Twitter is all you need to get started.  If you are lucky, you just might have a friend, who knows a rep, who is having an open house sale. Then, you can try these gems on for yourself.

California, Here I Come…again.

By | Baby Jade, Blog | No Comments


Lily’s on her way and I’m following suit. As I pack the last of my things and bid the twin cities farewell, I reflect on the last 22 months. I’ve never come to terms with the fact that I left LA in the first place (bad planning on my part). But revisiting this chapter has made me aware of a few things:

1. (I start with a cliche) Things happen for a reason. The growth and revelations I’ve had have only been made possible because of my return to MN.

2. My family has always been my core.

2a. That being said, my family goes beyond blood ties. I have the very best family a person could ask for. That we aren’t all blood related, makes the relationship that much more.

3. Having a vision is key to making changes. The execution is what unlocks the dream and creates the reality.

4. I’m returning changed. The type of change that is required for Los Angeles.

5. Creativity is powerful. Nowadays, you can literally create your profession instead of waiting on others to create it for you.

Goodbye, Minneapolis. Watch over the loved ones I’ve left in your care. LA, your prodigal daughter returns. Not to mention, Los Angeles has one kick-ass night view. *sigh* I’m home. To be continued….

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page:https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

#DearMe: Bethlehem

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

In honor of Woman’s Day, YouTube came up with a great idea. They asked female YouTubers to write a letter to their younger self. The YouTubers then created a video sharing their words of encouragement.

I thought, what a fantastic idea. Many of us say things like “I wish I knew this” or “If I could do it all over again I’d change this”. And while that isn’t possible, it’s still fun to look back at who we once were and how much we’ve changed.

I mean, what things would I share with Bethlehem 10 years ago? I decided to join this great campaign and make a video to my younger self. Not only giving advice but also expressing my gratitude at the choices made.

After hours of agonizing and picking the most important moments, I was finally able to come up with my video.

To view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haFcrYc2ucY
I encourage everyone to take a moment and join in the campaign. Even if you don’t film yourself, just have the conversation. You’d be surprised at the things you’ll unearth and discover.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B



By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

What I’m starting to realize about life is, we get from it that which we give.
In my line of work, I stay up late and wake up early (for the most part). When I do wake, the first thing I do is check my phone/email for assignments and deadlines. Many times, not eating or drinking anything til I’ve set my days’ itinerary. It’s a fast paced career.
And it’s becoming to wear on me. I’m sluggish, tired, ornery, and without peace. I see it in the way I lead my day-to-day life and it’s not one of happiness but rather duty.
Does it mean I hate my job? No. But it does mean I’m making it a possibility. Not really sure what the antidote for this particular problem is.
Or at least I thought I didn’t………..’til yesterday.
Yesterday I chose to start my day in peace. Before I looked at my phone, or checked my computer I took a moment for myself. I cleared my head and thought on what it was I wanted to accomplish for the day, and where it was I needed help. I simply prayed. (If you prefer meditate, that works as well,) It’s all a matter of taking time for yourself. To calm yourself before you start your day.
I coupled that with a warm cup of lemon water and off I went.
I gotta say, it was one of the most productive days I’ve had, in which, when I finished I wasn’t cranky or ready for a nap, but rather ready to do more in my day.
And so this is my tbt to better days.
We forget how important it is to start our day preparing ourself for the day.
My challenge to you. Namaste

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Eritrea: A culture not defined by its food, but certainly enhanced by it.

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Food is an essential part of any culture. I remember waking up some mornings, to the familiar aroma of foul mudammas being made. My mouth would water as I’d drag myself out of bed and scurry (as fast as possible while still half asleep, mind you) to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. As the water would clean away the previous night’s rest, I’d become more alive and my excitement for what laid in store for breakfast would heighten. I’d say a quick “morning” to the family and find my place at the table. I’d pour myself something to drink, and look at the spread presented before me. No matter what other dishes laid before me, my gaze always rested on the foul mudammas. The savory combinations of favabeans, peppers, tomatoes, onion (which I’d pay for later but didn’t care) a splash of lemon and oil, always gave me a sense of comfort.

That’s what I loved about growing up in a habesha household: sitting together and eating familiar foods that, not only brought us together, but also would place joy and comfort in our #hearts. That may seem outlandish to some but to those that can relate: *fist*

It’s because of these moments that I treated myself to a nostalgic lunch. Yum!! Eritrea: A culture not defined by its food, but certainly enhanced by it.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B

Leftie is out of here!

By | Baby Jade, Blog, Uncategorized | No Comments

Far too often we get stuck in our daily lives/routine and time just passes us by. Why do we allow for such things? Having diagnosed myself a nomad (shout out to my Kunama clan) I’ve started to feel this itch. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it could be. I certainly didn’t think it was my living in LA because LA is the land of opportunity and whatever was going to happen to me was going to happen here. Clearly I’ve watched too many movies. So I got to thinking (uh oh) and my thoughts led me to the decision I so happily made about a month ago: to start somewhere new.

What does this have to do with my photo you ask? Well, I had to blame SOMEONE, and my brain seemed to be where the culprit lay. SO, I’m turning off the left side. It somehow got turned on in the past few years (silly little brain gnomes) and I’ve been gliding through life thinking logically instead of creatively. My #creative side is what brought me to #LA to begin with!! I think as we get older, leftie starts to take over because it’s the side that makes “sense”. *eye roll* If there’s one thing life has taught me, it’s that it doesn’t make sense. So why should I? If you wanna seek adventure then you have to SEEK ADVENTURE. Duh! So in 6 weeks it’s bye bye tinsel town, hello adventure, by way of London (with a stop in MN to be with family) I’ve seen how lucky and blessed I am to be able to experience life; the last thing I’m going to do is waste that ability because of someone’s idea that it may not be logical.

*Thank you for continuously reading my blogs. For more content check out my YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/bethlehemawate*

Let’s connect on social media, I’d love to hear from you:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bethlehemawate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bethlehemawate
Snapchat: betu_la

Xo, B