A transplant to LA, Bethlehem Awate graduated from North Hennepin College in 2008 with a degree in Communications. In the fall of 2009, she moved out to LA to pursue a career in Public Relations. Gutsy and feisty, but at the same time poised, Beth is a workaholic and sponge for success. She hungrily devours experience and has a thirst to be constantly educated by all. Beth is the girl who beats all her friends online with “Words with Friends” and has a vocabulary from the brain food of books that most people would die for. She’s a glittering go-getter smart enough not to over promise and under deliver, and strives for client satisfaction. As Jade Umbrella’s “Secret Weapon”, Beth is rarely seen without a smile.
Jade Motto: “Well-behaved women seldom make history…” (Laurel Thatcher Ulrich)